“All about Eyes” taught at Petra Alexandra, Inc.

Does your eyebrows need to be “Petrafied?” Come visit Petra Alexandra, Inc. and have your eyebrows done for free.

Everything pertaining to eyes are taught in this class, from threading, to bleaching, lashes, working with blades and traditional tweezing.

Visit us at http://www.petraalexandra.com

	 Everything pertaining to eyes are taught in this class, from threading, to bleaching, lashes, working with blades and traditional tweezing. Visit us at http://www.petraalexandra.com

From bushy to beautiFULL, Celebrity brows threaded at Petra Alexandra, Inc. we always need sit-in-models to demonstrate on. Does your eyebrows need to be “Petrafied?”
BeautiFULL eyebrows
BeautiFULL eyebrows

“All about Eyes” taught at Petra Alexandra, Inc.

Thank-you so much for visiting us, hope you have been PETRAfied, if there is anything you would like to see posted about BROW products, please feel free to share.